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This page will bring you to my RootsMagic web pages. RootsMagic is the genealogy software I use to record all my data and produce a navigable name index and pedigree chart. By navigable I mean you can move back and forth through the generations to follow a kinship trail. To access these functions, please click on one of the two buttons below.
To see information on everyone in my database, i.e. our ancestral families and all other families connected to us by marriage.
To see the direct lines of ancestry for Joe and myself, and navigate through the generations.
For privacy reasons, no information on living persons is shown in the name index or pedigree chart.
Note: When you enter Rootsmagic, a new tab will open in your browser. You can always tell that you are in the Rootsmagic tab because it has a distinctive dark green background. When you have finished navigating, you can return to the main Helen’s Family Trees site by simply closing the RootsMagic tab.